Sindio ball: time for a good match


Sindio ball: time for a good match

As SindioSPORT’s Duro ball plunges headfirst into the boiling cauldron that is a youth tournament at club RRC Waterloo, it’s possible to sum up its latest expeditions in two simultaneous joys. The first of these, of course, is the beautiful game displayed by the young footballers under the scorching summer sun, just a stone’s throw from the Waterloo Lion, an admirable sight. The second pleasure is to end this season on a high note, after a successful and promising encounter, by moving up another rung towards the top level. It’s an understatement to say that the youngsters once again caressed and kicked their beloved Duro ball.

Well done to SindioSPORT! Many thanks to our partners at RRCW.

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